


Effectiveness of natural cosmetics. Back to nature.

Pro-environmental consumer interests are evident not only in the food market, but increasingly in the cosmetics market as well. Customers read labels, get new information and look for such remedies that were created from natural ingredients. Do such measures actually work? Can a very popular gel that is natural cabbage extract measure up to synthetic cosmetics?

Effectiveness of natural cosmetics. Back to nature

Pro-environmental consumer interests are evident not only in the food market, but increasingly in the cosmetics market as well. Customers read labels, get new information and look for such remedies that were created from natural ingredients. Do such measures actually work? Can a very popular gel that is natural cabbage extract measure up to synthetic cosmetics?

What are natural cosmetics?

Where should one begin in discussing this issue? At the very beginning, of course, you need to find out what natural cosmetics actually are. To what extent do they differ from other measures that do not bear this name?

It is understood that a natural cosmetic is considered to be one that contains at least 95% ingredients of natural origin. Of course, a certain part must be synthetic in order to keep the durability of such an agent at an appropriate level.

Cabbage poultices: effects

So for what reason is it worth taking an interest in such cosmetics? First of all, what you need to know is that they rely on substances that have been known for hundreds of years and have helped people centuries ago. A perfect example of this would be a cabbage poultice.

In general, cabbage leaves are ideal for inflammation. Cabbage leaves have a strong effect in reducing swelling on the swollen area, can reduce pain, and can also help the skin recover from damage. Interestingly, cabbage poultices can be successfully used for varicose veins or joint pain.

Why do cabbage leaves have such beneficial effects on the body?

As it turns out, they are a veritable mine of very important nutrients for humans. The leaves contain very high amounts of iron, potassium, folic acid, numerous vitamins, as well as sulfur, arsenic and calcium.

Products based on cabbage poultices

So as you can see, cabbage poultices really have an extremely positive effect on the human body. The only problem with them is that they are quite inconvenient to use. So it’s not surprising that many manufacturers wanted to take the positives of this treatment method and make them a bit more modern. This is how the cabbage gel poultice for breast inflammation : a special gel which is a natural extract of pickled cabbage. Such a modern gel pack.

This is a product that is sold in a tube that is convenient to store and use. It has the same properties as cabbage leaf compresses, that is, it soothes breast irritation, reduces breast swelling and at the same time does not interfere with breastfeeding.

It is addressed to people with various pains and skin problems, but especially to breastfeeding women who struggle every day with swollen and painful nipples, and to women in struggling with premenstrual syndrome – PMS. Here it is useful Cabbage gel poultice for breast pain before menstruation . With such gel packs, ladies can soothe their pain and make the swelling go down a bit. All of this is made possible by knowledge dating back hundreds of years regarding the positive properties that cabbage leaves provide for inflammation.


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